Monday, August 1, 2011

Finding a Job

So much has happened since the last blog. We were in Kentucky a week ago for two job interviews and to look for places to live.  Zachary spent the week with cousins which made him extremely happy and I am so thankful to them for keeping him at the last minute.  Z would have found it extremely boring to look at houses every day for a week.

I don't remember if I mentioned before that Gus decided not to pursue a job as a lawyer for several reasons.  It would be very mentally demanding and time consuming as he well knows to continue being a lawyer (after hours depositions, meetings, etc.) and try to attend classes, do all the reading/homework, spend time with family, etc. In addition, his Virginia Bar license would not transfer so he would have to spend time studying and spend $1,000 to take the Kentucky bar exam.  So we decided it would not be worth it to do that especially when he strongly feels God will not lead him to be a lawyer again.

So he subscribed to the major Louisville newspaper so we could get the classifieds.  He began to apply for every job he felt he could do.  As he applied for the jobs, it was hilarious to see that he wasn't qualified to do anything but be a lawyer.  Even a janitor job he saw that he would have been willing to do (whatever pays the bills!), he wasn't qualified to do because he had no training in OSHA safety requirements.  But his legal knowledge paid off and he got interviews at two law firms as a paralegal.  He got offers from both interviews 15 minutes after he left their offices! He took the second offer because the work would be more varied and interesting.  Both offered him a salary we felt we could live with and benefits, so we are thankful to God for that! His timing once again was so amazing. The salary is so much less than he has made the last 15 years and we will truly need to rely on God's daily provision and His guidance on living a much more frugal life.  We are excited about it!  We have also paid off every dime of debt we owe (except for our house which is still not sold) and I can't tell you how FREE we feel!

More on housing later. Glory to God for it all!

1 comment:

  1. That's priceless about the OSHA training! I sometimes think also that my education level may actually be a hindrance to me when I start thinking about what I will do when I return to US. But, feeling FREE also!! Love yall. becky
