Sunday, June 19, 2011

Depending on God

I wanted to talk about money.  I don't like talking about money and my husband doesn't allow us to tell people about our finances - not even Ryan or Zachary has ever known how much money their Dad makes or how much our house cost or any debts we've had.  But since we truly want God to get all the glory for this new adventure we are on and I've had some comments that make me feel like I should clear up a few things.  A few well meaning friends have indicated how blessed we are for Gus to be able to quit work and go to seminary for three years without worrying about money.  I guess they assume that because Gus was a lawyer, all lawyers are rich, so thus we have loads of money piled away to just take it easy while he goes to school.  We didn't always make the right choices with our money at the beginning of our marriage (Ryan and Diana - please don't make that mistake! Love you!) and so we spent the first five years of our marriage getting into debt while Gus finished his last year at Virginia Tech and went to UVA Law School for three years.  We spent the next five years getting out of debt and getting ourselves straight on what we should be doing with God's money.  We had a nice chunk in our savings account and started building up some money in 401K and retirement accounts.  As many of you know, we felt God leading us to not go into debt for Ryan's college and not let him start off in debt either.  So after $63,000 went to four years of tuition and room/board for college and $15,000 repairing and fixing the house up to get it sold, well let's just say we will be depending on God to provide everything we need.  We certainly have the option to move money from retirement and other investments for us to live on for the next three to four years but we have decided not to go that route. We truly feel God calling us to depend totally on Him.  We are putting our retirement and other funds in accounts that will not make it easy for us to get to them and we will live on whatever Gus makes at whatever job God leads us to.

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.  Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing." Matthew 6:25.

So this just isn't a career adventure for us, it is a total and complete dependence on God for everything - EVERYTHING!  And that is something we have not done in a long time - it feels amazing.  We have no job and no place to live in Kentucky right now and are unsure who will give us a place to live if we have no job.

"Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, "Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.  And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."  Luke 9:57-58

Jesus had no home and did not earn an income to provide food, but trusted His Father in Heaven to provide all He needed.  So everything in our new direction of life, will absolutely be done by God and provided by Him - no one else. We begin this journey with less than we have had since we first got married.  In fact, we were the happiest in our married life when we lived in Blacksburg, Virginia in a dumpy trailer, living on a secretary's salary, and didn't know how our bills were going to be paid (except for having two great kids since then that made life quite happy!) We have come back to where we started except this time we will be putting our trust in our Father in Heaven and not ourselves.  Am I still scared, oh yeah!


  1. Pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing. That's what I see ahead for the Nelsons.

  2. I always say give us beans and rice and a happy home! :)

  3. Thank you Sally!

    Greta, you and Angel are an inspiration to us for this journey. I love anything on rice so that would fine with me!
