Friday, June 10, 2011

We're finally finished!

The for sale sign is in the yard and the house is on the market.  Two months worth of work and it feels amazing to be finished.  The house officially went on the market Wednesday and our staging is complete.  The whole staging thing is strange because we are still living in the house, but it feels like we can't really live in the house.  Does that make sense?  Every day we have to put out the staging towels in the bathrooms, almost everything we use in the house has to be put away so nothing looks cluttered.  Every day I have to tell Zachary "don't touch the walls" , "flush the toilet", "pick up that", and "take your shoes off before you walk on the new carpet". When someone is coming to see the house, we've been told to leave classical music playing and put out fresh baked cookies before we leave.  There are 35 houses in our small zone so it will be a true testament to God's power and all to His glory if the house sells in time for classes August 15th. 

So we press on in faith and Gus is registering for classes tonight.  I have already registered for my class at the Wive's Seminary and I am really looking forward to it.  I always wanted to finish my degree and am only three classes away from being done, but now I get to take these classes that will strengthen my role as Gus' helpmate in whatever ministry God leads us to after seminary is over.  I am praying he also uses the classes to lead me to whatever ministry  He would have me serve in at our new church in Louisville or wherever we eventually end up.  I have so many things I would love to do: lead a homebuilders couples Bible study in our home, have a support group in our home for young wives (and they are all young except me since I will be the oldest wife in the seminary classes), maybe offer a monthly babysitting night for all these young families who need a night out, or lead a book study for moms with a Sally Clarkson book.  Zachary and I have already looked into some volunteer options for us during the week.

One of the great things I love about homeschooling is the opportunity to volunteer together any day of the week.  There is an orphanage type facility in the area that we are living that desperately needs volunteers that might be a good option for us.  Gus thinks that if we volunteer there, I'll start bringing home foster children and want to adopt babies.  Wouldn't that be wonderful!

Each day brings us a step closer to starting our new adventure and it is exciting, frightening (we have no place to live in Kentucky and Gus does not have a job!), stressful, and AMAZING - may it all bring Glory to Him.


  1. Great news! We'll be praying, of course. I'd love to join you in your seminary classes...since I was single at seminary I didn't get those wives classes! And, if we were there with you I'd definitely take you up on that monthly babysitting! Ha ha!

  2. Carol, I am so glad to see you have a blog! Glad the house is on the market. I'll be praying that it sells FAST so Zachary can touch walls again. :)

    I hope you will use your blog to give us a window into your new life!

    Sally Moore
