Saturday, March 19, 2011

Selling our House

We  met with a real estate agent this morning.  Oh my!  It will be a testament of the power of God if we can sell our house by August so Gus can start seminary in the fall!  There were some homes like ours that sold in 60 days, but so many that are still on the market after almost a year.  So I could see Gus' heart sink that we might have to move this winter and start seminary in January.  I also felt a huge moment of anxiety after she left because there is so much to be done and that the timing of many things are really going to have to work out - selling the house, finding a new house, when to leave current job, finding another job, and a few other things.  So I got on my knees and just gave each and every anxious feeling and each and every step to the Lord.  We will trust in God that Gus will be there to start the day that He has already planned for him to be in his first class. If you hear me talking about it any other way, will you please remind me that God is in control! 

It was really helpful to have the real estate agent give us some hints on what to do other than the work we already knew had to be done.  Also learned that many of the things I learned working in a real estate office for 8 years haven't changed, so we were already ahead in our plans.  Another sign that God has us in the places, jobs, and situations over our lifetime for a reason. I never considered I might use that real estate experience at some point. 

So the goal is to have the house on the market by the end of April which is the best time of the year to sell a house.  We're going to have to pretty much do nothing else between now and then but work on the house.  Zachary graciously offered to give me a break from homeschooling until the end of April so I can do house stuff - like that's gonna happen!  So we prep our field so God can send a steady rain of home buyers!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, that's very kind of Zachary to offer! Ha ha!

    I forgot that you worked at the Real Estate office! Was it that building on the corner in Petersburg, or was that something else? You were always able to get jobs!

    Anyway, we will be praying. It is so awesome--literally--to see how God moves. I'm praying that things will go so amazingly "on time" that everyone will stand amazed and He will be glorified!

    Exciting...and yes, nervous, but He is in control!
