Thursday, February 10, 2011

Taking the steps

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase."  So as we step out in faith on this journey, we have started by making a list of some of those steps. We ask for prayer as we will need God's guidance and His wisdom as we do in everything we do every day!  But feel like we will be on our knees more than usual for a few of these - like selling our house in the current market!

1. Apply to Southern Seminary
2. Find a job for Gus in Louisville.
3. Repairs to our home here and put our house on the market.
4. Find a place to live in Louisville.
5. Going through all the stuff we have accumulated over 20 years in this house.
6. Packing and moving to another state.

There will be many smaller steps underneath all these larger ones. I look forward to sharing how God is moving us in all these steps. We cannot see the whole staircase, but we will take the steps and God is the banister we hold on to as we climb.

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