Sunday, January 30, 2011

Preparing our fields for rain

I can't believe I'm blogging! First my reason for starting this blog is a way to help our family keep up with our life as we answer God's call and start our new adventure.  One of my favorite parts in the movie "Facing the Giants" is where the gentlemen tells the coach this story:  Two farmers desperately needed rain.  One farmer prayed for rain and waited.  The other farmer prayed for rain, went out and prepared his fields, then waited for rain.  Which one trusted God to send the rain?  My awesome husband, Gus, has known for several years now that God was calling him to seminary and a life of ministry.  Finally this past spring, he felt God telling him the time is now. When we had talked about it years ago, he was looking at Southeastern Theological Seminary in North Carolina or Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  Naturally when he told me it was time to move in this direction, I assumed it would be to one of these seminaries.  To my surprise he said it would be Southern Seminary.  I said, "Great, where is that?"  He of course said it was in Louisville, Kentucky.  My next comment was "what?"  I have lived in Virginia all my life, so I needed to be sure he was absolutely positive this was what God wanted.  In September, we headed down to Southern Seminary's preview weekend.  And my oh my, it was confirmation from the moment we arrived until we left that it was where we are suppose to be!  Don't ever  let anyone tell you that God doesn't speak to His people today! So we are obediently preparing the fields and waiting for rain.  We will begin to get our home in order to sell and move to Louisville, Kentucky by the fall of this year for Gus to attend Southern Seminary.  I hope this blog will serve not only as a way to keep our family posted on our life in Kentucky but to show how God is moving and leading us along this path.


  1. Congratulations, Carol! How exciting to start a new chapter in your lives. Tell Gus thanks for following the Lord's call and good for you for supporting him. God bless you both! Cathy Welch

  2. Thanks Cathy. I never imagined we would make a drastic change like this and certainly not in our "later years." I will pass on your kind words to Gus. We appreciate your prayers and support!
