Friday, March 16, 2012


I am really bad at this blogging thing!  The blogs that I follow get a new post every week at a minimum and I'm doing about once a quarter! I think part of the reason I don't post more often is I haven't been seeing all the good things there are to share. The good things that God does every single day. I've been asking many of those "why God" questions lately instead of more of the "what next God" questions.  You may not know this about me but I am a big whiner!  Whine, whine, whine - I'm the biggest whiner on the planet! It is almost always the little things.  I'm always asking "why God" about the little, annoying things not big stuff like "why does my friend from my old church have cancer" or "why can't my new friend at church have a baby".  It is always the little stuff.  Sometimes I think God uses all these little "whys" to strengthen my every day as much as He does the "whys" about the big things.  Daily perseverance and faith in Him and finding joy in the every day (sometime annoying) things.  "And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith'." Luke 17:5.  Nothing on this planet can do that - just Him.  That is what I need, that is what I pray for.

It isn't about me anyway - none of it.  Everything is for Him and His Glory...that is the answer to all my "whys".  I can't see how things will glorify Him, but He does.  God's gonna do what God's gonna do.  My grandmother used to say this all the time.  It was her answer to every "why" question.  I say it to myself often.  It isn't always a comfort, but it is a lot of the time...many times..... most of the time.  God knows the answers to all the "whys", He cares about all my "whys" and He is gonna do what He is gonna do.  "...I will not leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5  With that promise and countless others from God, I don't even need to know why!

So what do I do?  Pray...  Persevere... Accept... Pray...  Ask.....  Have faith.... Pray... Press on.... Believe...  Pray.... Cry....  Study His Word....  Pray....  Accept...  Groan.... Be Thankful.... Pray.... Practice Gratitude....  Love.....  Serve....Pray....

God is  Sovereign.  God is Almighty.

Have new things to share and lots of picture to upload of things we have done since we've been in Kentucky.  Next blog....