Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I am not doing very well on this whole blogging thing!  There are so many amazing things that God is doing that I want to share, but just really short on time right now as we adjust to everything.  Gus - full time job, classes, homework, being a dad and husband.  Carol - homeschooling, everything at home since Gus is so busy, my wives seminary class, weekly Bible study, running Zachary to soccer practice, meetings with my accountability partner every week, going back and forth up six sets of stairs to do 5 - 6 loads of laundry a week with only five washers and six dryers available for use.  Zachary - his tough schooling with his tough teacher, soccer, weekly Bible study, guitar lessons starting, he helps with my accountability partner's children so she can actually talk with me.  So getting this all in line has been a slow process for all of us.  Fall break is next week, so planning to have a little more time to blog about some of the things that are happening.  God is so good and thanks to all of you who are emailing/facebooking me about how we are doing.  Some updates are on the way!