Monday, April 11, 2011

Next Step of Faith

We made our next step of faith today!  Gus gave his 60 day notice at his job!  God has been sending Gus clear messages through his Bible reading, other reading of some Godly men, and other miscellaneous things that he needed to do this.  He felt God telling him that fixing up our house and making it public knowledge was the easy stuff, but to show true trust and faith in this calling to seminary, he had to let go of the job.  So he committed in his head to follow God's leading and just do it.  He didn't mention it to me yet - I would have been totally terrified and probably said "are you crazy??!!!"  But the next morning, Zachary and I went to our Bible study as usual.  I had dropped Zachary off at the door and drove to a parking place.  As I was walking across the parking lot, out of nowhere a thought came into my head - Gus needs to go ahead and quit his job!  I chuckled to myself and said "no way that would be dumb" and went to class.  During our small group time, while I was thinking about Paul and our lesson, I heard it several more times.  I got into the morning lecture and it just wouldn't leave my mind.  As soon as the morning was done, I went straight to the car and called Gus.  Can you guess already what happened? I told him what I was hearing and he said, "Praise God - there is my final and most important confirmation of what God was telling him to do!"  God had told his wife too!  So we prayed about it together for a few weeks - oh we humans have to double-check everything and give God another chance to change His mind!  So Gus officially gave his notice today.

Since we made the decision that it was definitely what we should do, everything has been moving along very quickly.  We had been getting quotes for work to be done and it was moving at a snail's pace.  Since we made the commitment to let go of the job, we now have the foundation work scheduled for a week from now and the drywall/carpentry work will be done this week, counter tops will be built and installed within three weeks. We will continue in our packing and decluttering and do the painting as drywall work is completed, replace the carpet and we are well on our way to the goal of having the house on the market by May 1st.

As Stephen Curtis Chapman said in one of his songs, "I am speechless and amazed" at how God moves and how much it pleases Him when we are obedient and trust in Him!  I thank Him for his patience with me who is already thinking about the fact that we no job prospects!